Rob Thurman Wiki

The Books

Cal Leandros series
  1. Nightlife
  2. Moonshine
  3. Madhouse
  4. Deathwish
  5. Roadkill
  6. Blackout
  7. Doubletake
  8. Slashback
  9. Downfall
  10. Nevermore

Trickster series
  1. Trick of the Light
  2. The Grimrose Path

Korsak Brothers series
  1. Chimera
  2. Basilisk

  1. All Seeing Eye
  2. Milk and Cookies
  3. First Ball...Last Call
  4. Snakeskin
  5. [Deleted Scene]
  6. Timeshare:Cheap&Filthy
  7. Painted Love
  8. Impossible Monsters
  9. external links
Cal Leandros Series
The Trickster Series
The Chimera Series
Japanese Cover Art

Cal Leandros Series

The Trickster Series

Follow Trixa in this wonderful fantasy series

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The Chimera Series

A dark scifi series about the Korsak brothers.

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Japanese Cover Art

Cal Leandros Series
The Trickster Series
The Chimera Series
Japanese Cover Art


* Nevermore's expected release date is December 1, 2015!

* Downfall Officially released August 5, 2014! Buy your copy at any bookseller location!

* Slashback Officially released March 5, 2013! Buy your copy at any bookseller location!

* Information dump: The 8th book of the Cal Leandros series will be called Slashback and released March 13 2013. Rob Thurman's new series All Seeing Eye releases July 31st 2012.

* Doubletake Officially released March 6, 2012! Buy your copy at any bookseller location!

* The Rob Thurman Community (The Tumulus) at was shut down under Chapter 25a on Monday August 15, 2011. Replacement Forum:

* Check Rob Thurman's Official Site blog ( for a special ChimeraxLeandros online crossover in celebration of the Basilisk Virtual Launch Party. As of Aug 11, 2011, there are 4 parts. The short crossover is titled: Timeshare:Cheap&Filthy

* Basilisk released August 2, 2011. By your copy at, BAM, Barnes&Noble, etc. Note: The Kindle edition of Basilisk has some formatting issues concerning the cover and/or epilogue. If you experience any of these problems, contact Amazon Customer Service.

* Blackout released March 1, 2011! Buy your copy at any bookseller location. Note: Borders does not have copies resulting from filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11. For more information visit the official site.

* The Grimrose Path was released Sept 7, 2010.

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